Best Low Carb Fruits For Weight Loss
Author: James Smith-
Which are the Best Low Carb Fruits For Weight Loss? Below are the fruits that are lowest in carbohydrates, and the best choice for weight loss.

Best Low Carb Fruits For Weight Loss
Fruits are an important component of a healthy diet, but if you are on a weight-loss diet, the choices of fruits that contain a low amount of carbs can become limited.
Carbohydrates are the main energy-giving foods that the body requires to function properly.
Fruits, especially dry fruits, have a higher amount of carbohydrates compared to vegetables because of naturally occurring sugars.
Another important aspect to consider when evaluating the carbohydrate content of fruits is the amount of fiber they contain.
High fiber fruits are preferable as fiber is a kind of carbohydrate that cannot be broken down by the body, keep you feeling full longer, aids in digestion, and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes.
Dieters following a low carb diet often do not have the same luxury of turning to fruits to satiate their sugar cravings.
Here is a list of some low carb nutritious fruits that you can include without sabotaging your diet.
Watch The Low Carb Fruit List Video: Press Arrow Below:
1. Berries
- Blueberries: Deemed one of the world's healthiest foods, blueberries contain antioxidants and phytonutrients. They are known of for fighting free radicals, and promoting brain and nervous system health. Blueberries have a low glycemic index, which is why they are a great low carb fruit option. Blueberries contain 6 grams of net carbs per ½ cup (50 grams).
- Strawberries: An excellent source of naturally occurring chemicals called polyphenols, potassium and vitamin C. Strawberries contain 6 grams of net carbs per ½ cup (100 grams). Eating this sweet, red fruit can reduce stress as it lowers cortisol levels. For a sweet snack, add them to yogurt, make a smoothie or dip them in melted dark chocolate.
- Raspberries: Raspberries are notably high in fiber, making it one of the most filling healthy fruit for weight loss. Raspberries contain 3 grams of net carbs per ½ cup (60 grams). They contain anthocyanins, naturally occurring chemicals that increase insulin and lower blood sugar levels, preventing diabetes. To make a good dinner salad, combine the fruit with mixed greens, goat cheese, and grilled chicken with sunflower seeds.
- Blackberries: Blackberries are brimming with fiber and Vitamin C that helps lower cholesterol and improves heart health. Blackberries contain 4 grams of net carbs per ½ cup (70 grams)
- Cranberries: Cranberries are rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants and also have an antibacterial effect on the body. Cranberries contain 4.6 grams net carbs per ½ cup chopped (58 grams)
2. Plums:
Plums have a low glycemic index and can help control your blood sugar. Filled with dietary fiber and sorbitol, plums can relieve constipation and digestive issues. Plums contain 6 grams of net carbs per 1 medium-sized plum (2-⅛" dia, 66 grams)
3. Watermelon:
This summer fruit is also low in carbohydrate content. Watermelon contains 6 grams of net carbs per ½ cup diced watermelon (76 grams). Because of its high water content, it is a great high-volume food that will fill you up while providing fewer calories. Watermelon is a great source of lycopene, a carotenoid that shields the skin from sun damage and decreases the risk of heart disease.
4. Cantaloupe:
This low-cal, low-carb fruit is high in fat-soluble Vitamin A, a nutrient that helps maintain eye and skin health and also boosts the immune system. Cantaloupe contains 7 grams of net carbs per ½ cup diced cantaloupe (78 grams). Cantaloupe tastes great on its own but goes well with cottage cheese. For a low-carb dinner, combine chopped cantaloupe with cucumber, cilantro, green onion, and lemon juice with a dash of salt and pepper, and serve with grilled chicken or fish.
5. Avocados:
Avocados, a single-seeded berry native to Mexico, has a low carbohydrate content. Avocados contain 2 grams net carbs per ½ an avocado (100 grams). In addition, avocados are high in fiber content and are a rich source of monounsaturated fats, which are good for the heart. Add a few slices to a low-carb salad or vegetable side dishes and it will decrease your desire to eat for hours.
6. Kiwifruit:
Kiwifruit is rich in fiber and antioxidants. Kiwifruit has a special enzyme called actinidin that can aid in the digestion of red meats and dairy. Kiwifruit contains 8 grams of net carbs per one medium-sized kiwi (2"dia, 70 grams).
7. Peaches:
This juicy sweet treat is surprisingly fairly low in carbohydrates contains phenolic compounds that help to ward off inflammation, obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Peaches contain 10.5 grams of net carbs per small sized peach (100g). For a low-carb snack, combine it with some cottage cheese or a peach blueberry smoothie.

About the Author:

James Smith is a passionate Health and Lifestyle blogger who loves to write about trending topics. He is a featured author at various authoritative blogs.
culinarylabschool says
A great list of fruits that will help maintain a slim figure. Just a huge plus of these products is that they are not harmful and very healthy. Thanks for sharing the article.
Linda Davis says
What about red sour cherries? Also, cranberries. I miss fruit more than bread.
Stacey says
Linda, sour red cherries (I love those) are a little high: 1/2 cup of raw cherries without pits is about 7.95g net carbs. Raw Cranberries are lower at 4.1g net carbs per 1/2 cup. Luckily fresh cherries are not in season for very long, so when they are I will treat myself to a small amount.
Natalie says
Rhubarb? A lot of fibre carbs, but I am getting conflicting answers on Web sites.
Stacey says
Natalie, Rhubarb, technically is a vegetable and it has 6g total carbs per 1 cup diced rhubarb, and 2.2g fiber, and 3.8g net carbs. So it is pretty low in carbs.
Kaye says
I am assuming if peaches are on the list, that nectarines are ok too?
Stacey says
Kaye, as compared to the same 100 g amount serving as the peaches, they are 9.5 net carbs (11.5 g total carbs). Or 1 medium size nectarine (2 1/2" diameter,142g), or 1 cup sliced is about 13 net carbs(15 total carbs). So very much the same as peaches.
Debbie says
What does 100 g mean
Stacey says
100 g in weight is about 1/2 cup chopped fruit.
Brenda says
Stacey says
Brenda, Apples are :1 cup apples, chopped or quartered (125 g) are 14 net carbs (17 total carbs. So these are best in smaller amounts.
TrishA. says
What about cherries? Are they also low carbon and healthy?
Stacey says
Trish A, cherries are a bit higher in carbs but fine in small amounts 😀
Toni says
Sour cherries should be a better choice than sweet cherries, right?
Stacey says
Yes Toni, tart or sour red cherries have less carbs than the sweet cherries. I found the nutritional data on that here:
Shyla says
Lots of pictures of blueberries yet they are not mentioned. Good or bad?
Stacey says
Shyla, blueberries are excellent and also have a low Gylcemic Index. All the berrries are fairly low in carbs. I added them to the guest post.
Blueberries:Deemed one of the world’s healthiest foods, blueberries contain antioxidants and phytonutrients. They are known of for fighting free radicals, and promoting brain and nervous system health. Blueberries have a low glycemic index, which is why they are a great low carb fruit option. 1/4 Cup of blueberries contains 5.3g of carbs, or 14g grams carbs/100g of fruit.